Flight training is offered right here at the Truckee Airport. Truckee is a great place to learn and become a safe, competent and well rounded pilot. The challenges of flying at high altitude will set the student up for success!
Reno international airport is only minutes away so students will get all the practice that they need in that busier airspace environment.
The Truckee instructors are independent contractors; contact us and we’d be happy to pass along their information!
We are also partnered with Mountain Lion Aviation, who can offer you flight training in Cirrus SR20’s and SR22T’s. Find more information here: www.mountainlion.aero.
Call us or email the dedicated flight training email, flightschool@mountainlion.aero
Practical Test Standards: Private (Change3), Instrument (Change3) and Commercial (Change4) (ALL <512KB)
FAA-H-8083-27A Student Pilot Guide (253KB)
FAA-H-8083-25A Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (109MB)
FAA-H-8083-3A Airplane Flying Handbook (10.8MB)
FAA-H-8083-6 Advanced Avionics Handbook (26.5MB)
FAA-H-8083-15B Instrument Flying Handbook inc. addendum and errata (65MB)
FAA-H-8083-16A Instrument Procedures Handbook (183MB)
FAA Instrument Profiency Check (IPC) Guide (584KB)
FAA Biannual Flight Review (BFR) Guide (992KB)
11th Aeronautical Chart User's Guide (22.3MB)
FAR Extract with NTSB 830 & TSA 1552 (4.9MB) / 2015 AIM (Aeronautical Information Manual)
3 CFR TITLE 14 2013 FAR (Federal Aviation Regulations Complete Part 1 - 1310) (25.2MB)
FAA 7110.65 Air Traffic Control (4.5MB)
Photo Courtesy of Kevin Quinn